Connected Community
It’s great to have my feet back in the local ground. I feel at home and have missed and been missed.
I took the mother of the groom dress to the dry cleaners & dropped off some copies of Ey Up for staff & customers. The Laundry are great community supporters, always offering raffle prizes for local fundraising efforts.
Popped in the doctors & dropped off some copies of Ey Up for staff & folk sitting in the waiting room. The very friendly woman on reception told me she’d been reading it at her Dads & really enjoyed it. So good to hear. The pharmacy were chuffed to receive some copies too. There’s still some streets yet to receive a copy and it’s great to hear people complaining about not having received their copy yet! Eager anticipation!
Then off to the printers to collect this little beauty – the first community report, ready for nattering about at the community party in May.
Here we’ll be sharing the words, views and experience of living around here that we collected over a four month period.
Sharing local people’s words with local people so that we can hear each other and build the path together.
There’s a lot of pain in the local community and so it’s great to have the healing spirit of hope running alongside. It’s not a sticking plaster, it runs much deeper – a bit like the way Yin Yoga gets into the deep connective tissue and heals from the inside out 😍