New Northern Weave

New Northern Weave

On Friday I was in the company of a glorious group of women – the New Northern Weave. Every time I’m with them I go away feeling wiser, more knowledgeable and nourished. And goodness we need nourishing.

I’ve taken some of the words away with me this weekend, thinking about self care and self harm.

I haven’t climbed a mountain for a while, perhaps one since Everest base camp, Sagarmatha last September.  Arenig Fawr is the first of 2023. I could feel my breath going as I started the ascent and reminded myself of the mantra that always helps, ‘this step and this step’ in time with my breath, thanking the ground and the mountain for its welcome and it’s holding of me and any of my ancestors who feel like accompanying me. And, the feeling of resistance, in time passes, as it always does. 

Walking slowly, one breath and one step at a time always gets me where I want to go. 

And the mountain, knows its place in the world. It doesn’t try and be anything else. 


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