Breakthrough Change
A few weeks ago I was listening to Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help us Understand the World. It was episode 47, Breakthrough Community Change: A Guide to Creating Common Agendas that Change Ever
Triangle to Circle
Yesterday Springfield, Beech Hill and Gidlow CommUnity, had a magnificent afternoon together in the sun and also welcomed seven new people to the organising circle. You can read more about that here.
Community Party
Today is the AGM of Springfield, Beech Hill and Gidlow, wrapped inside a community party, organised by the community. There’s: Face painting; balloon modelling; a roving magician; a help yourself ar
Picnic in the Park
We are really beginning to notice the appetite for local community good news stories and their role in connecting community and inviting more people in. It’s something that we feel we shou
Party & Produce
On 7th May we hosted picnic in the park, the local Coronation Party. The idea was to keep it as cost free as possible for local families. The only chargeable item on the day was an ice cream, provided
Comfort the Afflicted
Comfort the Afflicted, Afflict the Comfortable ? A phrase penned by American humorist & writer Finley Peter Dunne, some hundred years ago, when writing about how newspapers should impact soci
A Charming Man
A Charming Man or Human and Equal? Yesterday I wrote about the way in which I thought that placing link workers in community space might damage or weaken community systems. And, afterwards I thought m
Mutual Musings
Expert in a Corner Had a lovely time at Make to Mine yesterday. I painted a bag with the Ey Up logo. I’ll use it when I’m visiting shops and services in the community with copies. It was a l
Stickles & Pikes
Today we walked the Langdale Pikes in the Lake District and it was, if I’m honest, a bit of a slog. I think we bagged 5 Wainwrights. The cloud was all around once we’d climbed a couple of hundred
A Good Old Chat
Yesterday we were out & about delivering EyUp to shops & services & having a good old chat. Made some great new connections too. Stuart who owns the local guitar shop sourced us a brillian