Six Themes
Between September – December 2022, supported by an evaluation circle, and, a critical friend we decided to collect some stories and interviews so that we could begin noticing and understanding how local people are experiencing life in the community.
Six themes began to reveal themselves.
One – We are at the beginning of something. A sense of community and belonging is growing, and there’s more work to do.
Two – Open, free, agenda free and cross generational social spaces and events in the community where people can bump into each other and / or get together are really important to a flourishing community life.
Three – Most people feel nervous, and some people feel anxious about trying something new. Being in and part of social spaces, once you’ve taken the step, reduces anxiety and cultivates connection and belonging.
Four – That this community is beginning to do things for itself and together. Peer support, gifting, sharing and seeing ourselves as a community that could take more control.
Five – People are longing for belonging, and reminisce about times when they were connected by a local institution – be that a faith group or a social club. It is still in the muscle memory.
Six – There are many people who are isolated and are awaiting an invitation. Involvement shouldn’t be forced, or based on charity but there’s more to do to invite people in.
We learned a good deal more too, as aside from the stories we hosted conversation groups and ran a survey.
Almost 85% of people who took part felt that the community is more connected now than it was before the pandemic. I bet a lot of places feel like that. You can read more about it here.