This Area is Monitored
The other morning I happened to be at the shops in Norley Hall. I haven’t been there for a while. They were my local shops when my family lived there in my early years. And the area where I worked as a play worker after just becoming a Mum, some 30 years ago.
I noticed a big Council sign saying, ‘Warning – this area is being monitored for anti social behaviour.’ I could see the CCTV cameras at the side of the sign and wondered who was watching me.
I looked around and saw an untended and unloved open space, all concrete and fag butts. I turned right around and looked over the road at the community centre. Doors closed and gates locked.
That got me thinking, what if we started to monitor areas for connection?
What if the signs said, ‘this area is being for monitored for human connection?’ With invitations to smile at someone you’ve yet to know, tend some land, or do the funky chicken dance for the camera.
Immediately my thoughts turned to the fantastic Play Laws convened by Emma Bearman and friends, and, the Camerado principles.
Perhaps there’s a place for a different type of sign and message in communities?
Perhaps instead of big brother or teacher we might act a little more sisterly with each other? Create space and messages that encourage change to occur naturally? Those who know, know that can happen without needing to nudge or fix. There’s a great ability to restore when conditions are more balanced.
What would you put on the signs?